Our News & Bulletins

Diabetes Increases Stroke Risk in Women. Picture of a young latino female nursing aide helping an older caucasian female check her clood sugar.

Diabetes Increases Stroke Risk in Women

Diabetes, a chronic condition affecting millions worldwide, is often associated with a myriad of health complications. Among these, the heightened risk of stroke stands as a particularly grave concern, especially for women. Understanding the intricate relationship between diabetes and stroke risk is crucial for effective prevention and management strategies. The Diabetes-Stroke Link Research has consistently […]

Understanding the Impact of Aging on Focus and Concentration. Picture of an older black male with a look of strong concentration on his face.

Understanding the Impact of Aging on Focus and Concentration

As we age, it’s natural for various aspects of our cognitive function to change. One area that often undergoes noticeable shifts is our ability to focus and maintain concentration. Whether it’s forgetting where you left your keys or finding it harder to stay engaged in a task, the effects of aging on focus can be […]

Healthy Teeth Means a Healthy You: How and Why Good Oral Care is Important to Your Health. Picture of a young caucasian female nursing aide, assisting an older caucasian female with brushing her teeth.

Healthy Teeth Means a Healthy You: How and Why Good Oral Care is Important to Your Health

A bright smile and healthy teeth are not just about aesthetics; they are vital indicators of overall health. Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential, as oral health and general health are closely interconnected. This article explores the significance of good oral care and how it contributes to your overall well-being. The Mouth-Body Connection Your mouth […]

The Therapeutic Power of Exercise: A Ray of Hope for Alzheimer's Patients. Picture of an older caucasian male trying to think about something.

The Therapeutic Power of Exercise: A Ray of Hope for Alzheimer’s Patients

Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, is a formidable challenge that affects millions worldwide. As researchers strive to unravel the mysteries of this condition, a growing body of evidence suggests that exercise may hold a key to slowing its progression and improving the quality of life for those affected.1 We explore the intricate relationship between […]

How Aging Affects Focus: Unraveling the Cognitive Challenges of Growing Older. Picture of an older black female, seeming to be deep in thought.

How Aging Affects Focus: Unraveling the Cognitive Challenges of Growing Older

Aging is an inevitable part of life, and with it comes a myriad of physical and cognitive changes. One of the cognitive areas that undergoes noticeable alterations as we age is our ability to focus. While many older adults remain sharp and mentally agile, it’s essential to understand the ways in which aging can affect […]

Unveiling the Power of Cognitive Reserve: A Key Ally in Late Retirement. Picture of an older caucasian female looking as if she is trying to remember something.

Unveiling the Power of Cognitive Reserve: A Key Ally in Late Retirement

In an era where longer life expectancies have become the norm, the concept of cognitive reserve emerges as a crucial factor in navigating the complexities of an extended life. Understanding Cognitive Reserve Cognitive reserve refers to the brain’s ability to adapt and maintain normal cognitive function despite experiencing damage or changes. It acts as a […]

Making a Home Safe for Alzheimer’s Patients. Picture of a black male and female embraced in a hug in their living room.

Making a Home Safe for Alzheimer’s Patients

With a diagnosis such as Alzheimer’s, families need to start planning. One of the biggest decisions is about where the person will live. Most prefer to stay in their own homes, if possible. However, staying at home does pose some risks as there are many things in a home that become dangerous to a person […]

The Perils of Smoking in the Presence of Oxygen Therapy. Picture of a young caucasian female kicking a huge cigarette butt.

The Perils of Smoking in the Presence of Oxygen Therapy

When combined with the use of supplemental oxygen, the dangers of smoking are amplified, creating a potentially deadly combination. Oxygen therapy is a medical intervention aimed at improving the oxygen supply to various organs and tissues, particularly in patients with respiratory disorders. However, the presence of oxygen-enriched environments significantly increases the risk of fire and […]

Navigating Forgetfulness in Seniors: Recognizing Signs and Taking Action. Picture of a young black female nursing aide talking with an older caucasian male.

Navigating Forgetfulness in Seniors: Recognizing Signs and Taking Action

As we age, it’s natural to experience occasional memory lapses. However, distinguishing between normal age-related forgetfulness and cognitive decline or dementia can be challenging. For seniors and their family caregivers, understanding when to be concerned and taking appropriate action is crucial for maintaining quality of life. This article aims to provide valuable insights into recognizing […]

When to Get Help with Senior Care. Picture of an older caucasian male and female with a young asian nursing aide and a young black nursing aide.

When to Get Help with Senior Care

Knowing when to seek help with senior care depends on the individual’s specific needs and circumstances. There are some indicators that may suggest it is time to consider getting assistance: Decline in physical or mental health: If the senior is experiencing a decline in physical abilities or cognitive functions, such as difficulty with mobility, memory […]
